Legal notice
Walter Föckersperger GmbH (a member of Foeckersperger Group)
Eberspointer Straße 6
84189 Pauluszell
T +49 (0)8742 43897-0
F +49 (0)8742 43897-99
Managing Director: Walter Föckersperger
Commercial Register court: Amtsgericht [local court] in Landshut, No. HRB 1149
VAT identification number DE 128964382
Responsible under press law:
Responsible for website content:
Bernhard Föckersperger
mediagrafen | Webagentur
Webdesign Bielefeld
Legal disclaimer:
Liability for content
As a service provider, we carry general statutory liability, as defined in Section 7(1) TMG [German Telemedia Act], for our own content on this website. However, according to Articles 8 to 10 TMG we are not obliged, as a service provider, to monitor transmitted or stored third party information, or to research any circumstances that indicate unlawful activity. This does not affect our general statutory obligations to remove or block the use of information. However, we can only accept liability in this regard from the point at which we become aware of a specific infringement of the law. If we become aware of such infringements of the law, we will immediately remove the content in question.
Liability for links
Our product contains links to external websites belonging to third parties, and we have no influence over the content of such websites. We cannot therefore provide any guarantee in relation to such third party content. The provider or operator of such websites remains responsible for the content of websites accessed through links. When the links were set up, the linked pages were examined to ascertain any potential infringements of the law. No unlawful content was evident at the time the link was set up. However, we cannot reasonably be expected to continuously monitor the content of the linked pages without specific indications. We will remove such links immediately if we become aware of infringements of the law.
The content and material published on this website by the website operator is protected by German copyright. Copying, processing, distribution and use of any kind beyond the limits of copyright law requires the written approval of the author or creator in question. Items may only be downloaded and copied from this website for private, non-commercial use. If the content on this website was not produced by the operator, copyright held by third parties will be observed. Third party content will specifically be identified as such. If, nevertheless, you should become aware of an infringement of copyright, please advise us accordingly. We will remove such links immediately once we are aware of infringements of the law.